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Kuwait: All citizens and residents above age 65 vaccinated

The Ministry of Health’s spokesman, Dr. Abdullah Al Sanad, announced in a press conference that all citizens and expats above age 65 who registered for the vaccine have been inoculated.

He added that so far 1,210,155 citizens and residents have registered for the vaccine.

Kuwait has been working on ramping up testing to achieve its goal of vaccinating two million people by September.

So far, Kuwait has been administrating both the Pfizer-BioNtech and Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. Between the two, as of two weeks, Al Sanad reported that 604,861 doses have been administered.

The Ministry of Health is preparing to vaccinate teachers and administrative staff in preparation for the return of schools by September. In addition, Grade 12 students will be prioritised for the vaccine so that they will be vaccinated by the time they appear for the exams.


Gulf News

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