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Kuwait: 24 Drug Suspects Arrested; Narcotic Substances Seized

Officials from the Ministry of Interior have arrested 24 people of different nationalities for drug-related cases. About 16 kilogrammes of various narcotic substances and 10,000 pills of psychotropic substances were also seized. The ministry said in a press release that these seizures come as a continuation of the efforts of the criminal department in intensifying the security presence and arresting outlaws and drug dealers.

Security personnel from the General Directorate of Drug Control were able to arrest suspects and confiscate 80 imported bottles of wine, three unlicensed weapons and ammunition, and a huge sum of money. The suspects admitted that the banned substances belonged to them. Security officers are continuing their work protecting lives and properties.

The ministry called on everyone to cooperate with the security men and report any negative phenomena on the emergency phone (112) and the hotline of the General Department of Drug Control.


Kuwait Times
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