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King Fahd Causeway to reopen at 1 AM on Monday

The King Fahd Causeway Passports Division has completed all procedures for the passengers’ traffic after the decision of lifting the travel suspension for citizens, and the opening of land, sea and airports as of one o’clock (1 a.m.) in the morning on Monday, May 17, 2021.

The Passports Division has also completed all preparations related to King Fahd Causeway linking the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, said Saudi Press Agency.

Director of King Fahd Causeway Passports, Colonel Duwaihi Al-Sahli, said that (10) new lanes have been added to the departure area, bringing the total to (27) lanes, in additon to (36) lanes in the arrival area.

Travel requirements shall be met automatically, amid coordination with the Ministry of Health to ensure that all the necessary requirements are duly met.



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