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Saudi Arabia

King Abdulaziz University among top 100 universities in patents

Saudi Arabia’s King Abdulaziz University (KAU) ranked 33rd among the top 100 universities in the world for the number of patents granted in the United States, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Thursday.

With 71 utility patents, the university jumped 49 places compared to last year when it joined the elite list for the first time and was ranked 82nd with 34 patents.

“Reflecting its emphasis on innovation and creativity as a leading research university and a prolific producer of US patents, King Abdulaziz University is ranked No. 33 among the top 100 worldwide universities granted US utility patents in 2020, with 71 patents,” the university celebrated its remarkable achievement in a tweet:

The issued patents are part of the university’s research priorities, where 27 patents were registered in the healthcare sector, 22 in the field of development industries, 18 in natural resources development, and four in artificial intelligence and information technology.

Around 85 male and female inventors participated in these innovations from 12 faculties of the university, where inventors of the Engineering Faculty accounted for 24 patents, while inventors at the Faculty of Pharmacy registered 19 patents and Faculty of Science inventors registered 15 patents.


Saudi Gazette
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