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WorldPeople & Culture

Jordan announces princess Iman’s engagement with Jameel Alexander Thermiotis

The Royal Hashemite Court on Wednesday announced the engagement of Jordan’s Princess Iman bint Abdullah II, 25, and Jameel Alexander Thermiotis. The ceremony took place on July 5 in the presence of King Abdullah II and Queen Rania members of Thermiotis’s family.

In a statement issued on Twitter, Royal Hashemite Court wrote: “The Royal Hashemite Court is pleased to announce the engagement of Her Royal Highness Princess Iman bint Abdullah II to Mr. Jameel Alexander Thermiotis, on Tuesday, 5 July 2022, in the presence of Their Majesties King Abdullah II and Queen Rania Al Abdullah, as well as Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, Prince Hashem bin Abdullah II, and Princess Salma bint Abdullah II, in addition to members of Mr. Thermiotis’ family.

“The Royal Hashemite Court extends its sincere congratulations to Her Royal Highness Princess Iman and Mr. Thermiotis on this occasion and wishes them a lifetime of happiness.”

Queen Rania took to social media to congratulate her daughter. She wrote: “Congratulations my dearest Iman; your smile has always been a gift of love that I’ve cherished since the day you were born. I wish you and Jameel a life filled with love and laughter!”

Born in Amman in 1996, Princess Iman is the first daughter and the second child of King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan. 


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