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Israeli Cops Beat Worshippers at Al Aqsa Mosque, Rockets Fly From Gaza – IDF Bombs Strip

Smouldering tensions between Arabs and Israelis burst into warfare over Tuesday night, following a provocative Israeli attack on worshippers at one of Islam’s most sacred places.

The violence was initiated when Israeli police raided Jerusalem’s Al Aqsa Mosque, brutally beating worshippers. Outrage swept across Palestinian communities, sparking marches, confrontations with Israeli troops, and rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip. The violence spiralled higher, as the Israeli Air Force bombed Gaza.

The Israeli raid on the Al Aqsa Mosque came during Islam’s holy month of Ramadan. Middle East Eye reports that hundreds of men, women and children were staying overnight to pray, a practice called Itikaf. The Israeli government controls access to Al Aqsa, and prohibits Itikaf there except for the final 10 days of Ramadan. Palestinians have ignored that prohibition, apparently with Israeli acquiescence.

Not this time. Around 10pm local time, police entered the mosque grounds and began clearing the faithful from exterior courtyards. As that played out peacefully, dozens of others locked themselves inside the Qibli prayer hall in an attempt to dodge eviction.

An hour later, heavily-equipped police smashed windows of the prayer hall and unleashed a stun gun and tear gas barrage. Storming into the hall, the police began beating worshippers.

Video footage appears to show police pummelling worshippers cowering on the floor.

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