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Israel ‘Not Bound’ By Potential Iran-US Nuclear Deal

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared on Tuesday that Israel “will not be bound” by any potential nuclear agreement between the US and Iran. Speaking at a Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee meeting, Netanyahu emphasized that Iran has replaced Arab nations as the primary threat to Israel, now attempting to “wipe out” the Arabs, as reported by The Times of Israel.

“More than 90 percent of our security issues stem from Iran and her [proxies]. Our position is clear: Israel will not be bound by any deal with Iran and will continue to defend itself,” Netanyahu stated.

This announcement follows recent reports suggesting that Tehran and Washington are negotiating an ‘interim deal’ concerning Iran’s nuclear program. In exchange for limiting uranium enrichment activities, Iran would receive some sanctions relief. Both countries have officially denied that an interim agreement is being discussed. However, anonymous sources informed Axios that Washington held indirect ‘proximity’ nuclear talks with Iran in Oman, with Omani officials mediating between the two sides.

The goal of these talks was to de-escalate tensions and lay the groundwork for future discussions on a new nuclear agreement.


Zero Hedge

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