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Israel: Dozens Of Rockets Fired From Lebanon In Most Serious Escalation Since 2006 War

The prior days of clashes and tensions at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque are spiralling toward broader conflict in Gaza and along Israel’s northern border as on Thursday afternoon, a barrage of rockets was fired from Lebanon. Rocket sirens have been sounding in the towns of Betzet and Shlomi in Western Galilee, close to the border, while the IDF says its Iron Dome system intercepted at least one of the projectiles. There are emerging reports of at least one person wounded by shrapnel on the Israeli side.

No group has claimed responsibility for the rockets, but Hezbollah is the prime armed group operating in southern Lebanon. Some reports say the rocket salvo was launched from Palestinian refugee camps, and thus might not have been approved by Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shia group backed by Iran. Reports are estimating “between 25-30 rockets” were launched, according to defence officials.

Israel is also observing an important holiday, namely the first day of the Passover festival. The current tensions began Tuesday night, when Israeli police raided Jerusalem’s Al Aqsa Mosque, brutally beating worshippers after declaring overnight prayers there unlawful. 

Outrage swept across Palestinian communities, sparking marches, confrontations with Israeli troops, and rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip. The violence spiralled higher, as the Israeli Air Force bombed Gaza.  

Hamas then continued firing a barrage of rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israel Wednesday night and Thursday morning, according to the IDF. Violent clashes were also reported between Israeli forces and protesters in the country’s north.

Israel is reportedly now shelling southern Lebanon and has scrambled air force jets to neutralize the attacks. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is also set to convene an emergency security meeting as the crisis escalates, which is already being called the most serious escalation since the 2006 war.


Zero Hedge

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