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Money & BusinessBahrain

Is renting to own a better option than taking a loan?

Did you know that Kazerooni Heights lets you rent an apartment with the option to own it after three years?

Homeownership is the ultimate dream for many people. It does, after all, bring a sense of security and is considered the mark of financial stability and adulthood.

One of the common options for buyers is to take a loan, which comes with several pre-requisites such as a good credit score. Another option is to rent-to-own, where a property is rented with the option to buy it after the rent period is over; in some cases, a percentage of that payment is deducted from the purchase price.

Kazerooni Heights offers the rent-to-own option with 100% of the total rent payment deducted from the purchase price. Here are some reasons why you should consider this option…

No Down Payment

When renting to own at Kazerooni Heights, you will only have to pay a 3-year fixed monthly rent. The total rent over the 3 years will then be considered as your down payment and will be deducted from the total price of your apartment.

No Loan Required

The rent-to-own option is ideal for those who prefer to make gradual payments as opposed to paying a hefty lump sum.

No Responsibilities

During the 3-year rental period, all service charges related to Kazerooni Heights and Amwaj Islands, as well as maintenance expenses, will be covered – allowing for a worry-free experience.

No Commitment, All the Benefits

Tenants have complete freedom of choice on whether or not to buy the apartment after the 3-year rental period is over.

Essentially, if you decide to buy the property, you could rest assured that your investment over the 3-years will be securing a down payment for homeownership. Otherwise, you would have rented a luxury apartment with great value for price per square meter, quality finishing, and great amenities – a win-win situation.

The property is also conveniently located near 3 hospitals and is only a short 10-minute drive from the Bahrain Airport.

For more details about the ownership and investment options, visit Kazerooni Heights’ website or call +973 3977 0009.


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