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Iran Unveiled the New Shahid-149 Gaza Drone With a Launch Range of up to 7,000 Kilometres and a Flight Time of 35 Hours

Iran, despite sanctions, has developed yet another unmanned aerial vehicle. It is called Shahid-149 Gaza.

Shahid-149 Gaza is not the kamikaze drone that Iran is known for producing. The new Iranian drone will be used for reconnaissance and strikes. For this purpose, it is equipped with a compact camera and pylons.

This drone first became known more than two years ago. The developer of the Shahid-149 Gaza is Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industries Corporation.

As for the technical specifications, most of them are not disclosed, but it is known that the drone can fly for 35 hours, and the maximum range is 7000 kilometres. Hence we get a cruising speed of 200 km/h.


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