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WorldSaudi Arabia

Iran Reopens Saudi Embassy After 7 Years: Report

The Saudi embassy in Tehran officially reopened on Sunday (August 6), according to an undisclosed foreign Ministry official speaking to IRNA.

This move comes in the wake of a trilateral agreement between Iran, Saudi Arabia, and China, which led to the resumption of diplomatic ties between Tehran and Riyadh after seven years of strained relations.

The groundwork for these diplomatic developments was laid during a significant visit by President Ebrahim Raisi to Beijing in February.

Following this, China took the role of a mediator and initiated talks between the neighbouring states to address their differences.

On March 10, a trilateral agreement was signed among Iran, Saudi Arabia, and China. This accord paved the way for the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Iran further took steps to strengthen diplomatic ties, following this agreement.

On June 6, the Iranian diplomatic missions in Riyadh and Jeddah were reopened, along with the country’s Permanent Mission to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Jeddah.


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