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Iran Prepares 10,000 Graves in Tehran for Victims

Iran has prepared 10,000 graves for coronavirus victims in the capital Tehran, the deputy director of Tehran’s municipal urban services Mojtaba Yazdani said on Sunday.

Authorities have allocated a new section in Tehran’s Behesht-e Zahra cemetery, the country’s largest cemetery, to coronavirus victims, Yazdani said, adding that 10,000 graves have so far been dug in this section.

Yazdani did not say how many people have died of coronavirus in the capital. The Iranian health ministry does not disclose the coronavirus death toll for each province and instead reports the overall death toll for the entire country.

As of Sunday, 4,474 in Iran have died from coronavirus, and there are 71,686 confirmed cases, according to the health ministry.

The ministry has warned in a report that the national death toll from the virus could reach 30,000 by the start of May if social distancing regulations are relaxed.

“Low-risk” businesses will reopen in the capital Tehran from April 18, President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday, a day after “low-risk” economic activity was allowed to resume elsewhere in the country.

Iran reopened government offices on Saturday after a brief nationwide lockdown to help contain the coronavirus outbreak in the country.


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