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Iran may have developed detonators that can set off nuclear bombs

Iran set up a committee to deceive the UN atomic watchdog and build devices capable of denoting nuclear weapons in secret.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) accused the Islamic Republic of developing so-called ‘exploding-bridgewire detonators’ by sending the UN forged documents that stated they were needed for oil drilling.

The devices can be used for detonating implosion-type nuclear weapons, and are monitored by the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

NCRI foreign affairs committee member Shahin Gobadi said Iran’s intention was to ‘hoodwink the international community’ to ‘prevent the exposure of its ominous objective of obtaining the nuclear bomb’.

The accusations came only hours after the UN passed a motion criticising Iran for failing to clarify questions about the presence of nuclear material at undeclared sites.



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