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Money & BusinessGCC CountriesBahrain

Should you invest in Crypto?

Gulf Insider talks to Dina Saman, the Chief Executive Officer of CoinMENA, a Sharia-compliant digital assets exchange, headquartered in Bahrain.

Who should invest in Crypto, and why?

Whether you are an individual that is just starting out or are a seasoned trader, crypto investments can deliver distinct benefits based on your objectives. For instance, Bitcoin is being commended as an efficient store of value in the long-term, especially as the circulation of traditional fiat currencies have increased significantly in light of all the government stimulus packages.

As governments and industries undergo unprecedented digital transformation, the growing adoption and acceptance of crypto assets will become inevitable. The crypto assets industry is nascent and growing, thus making it a great time to invest.

Why did you establish in Bahrain?

Bahrain is home to one of the most established financial services industries in the MENA, and boasts a progressive economy that welcomes investments. Bahrain remains the only regional jurisdiction with very clear, extensive, and onshore regulations in the region, which made it a very attractive base to set up CoinMENA.

Why do you only offer the major Crypto currencies? Do you have plans to offer others?

We currently offer five major crypto assets: Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), and Bitcoin Cash (BCH), but we do have plans to introduce more leading crypto assets in the near future.

Tell us about your OTC service, including minimum transaction values and fees.

Our Over The Counter (OTC Desk) service is available to all verified CoinMENA customers that would like to perform sizable transactions above 50,000 USD. This service can be accessed by simply filling out the OTC form on our website, which will be responded to in less than 24 hours by our OTC Team. This service ensures our customers enjoy hugely competitive fees, deep liquidity pools, same-day transactions and a bilingual relationship manager who will be available to assist round-the-clock.


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