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Indonesia: Bodybuilder Justyn Vicky, 33, Dies After Being Crushed by Barbell While Trying To Squat 210KG in Horror Accident

A fitness influencer has been killed by a barbell while trying to squat-press 210kg in a horror accident.  

Justyn Vicky, 33, was strength training at The Paradise Bali gym in Sanur and died shortly after the freak accident on July 15. The bodybuilder, nutritional advisor, and personal trainer boasts 30,000 Instagram followers.

After the accident, Justyn was rushed to a local hospital with a broken neck and critical compression of vital nerves connecting to his heart and lungs. He died shortly after an emergency operation, despite the surgeons’ best efforts to save his life.

Justyn, from East Java, Indonesia, was trying to extend his legs as the heavy bar weighed down upon his shoulders – but struggled to stand upright. The lone spotter behind him was completely helpless as Justyn fell to the floor and the stacked barbell came crashing down onto the back of his neck.

Those close to Justyn and fellow fitness gurus have paid tribute to their ‘dear friend’ on social media following the accident. 

Gede Sutarya wrote: ‘Vicky was a good person, polite, and sociable. He always shared knowledge about the gym. He also advised friends at the gym to be cautious and not exceed their capabilities during training. Only we ourselves can measure our own abilities. May Mas Vicky rest peacefully in the embrace of God and find a worthy place.’

The Paradise Bali gym later said in a tribute on social media: ‘To our dear Justyn, your impact on our lives is immeasurable.

‘Your legacy will live on through the countless lives you’ve touched, the transformations you’ve inspired, and the love and passion you infused into every moment we spent together. Rest peacefully, dear friend. You will forever remain in our hearts.’

Another friend commented: ‘He was always full of positive vibes and make me stay motivated. I’ll never forget his impact on my fitness journey. It’s a tough loss, but we’ll keep his spirit alive.’


Daily Mail
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