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Individuals Prone To Antisocial Behavior Age Faster: Study

An analysis of data from the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development study, a large longitudinal study in New Zealand, showed that participants with a history of antisocial behaviour had a significantly faster pace of biological ageing. When these individuals reached the calendar age of 45, they were on average 4.3 years older biologically compared to those who had lower levels of antisocial behaviour. The study was published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Antisocial behaviour refers to actions that consistently violate social norms, disregard the rights of others, and often involve a lack of empathy or remorse. It involves behaviours such as deceitfulness, aggression, theft, violence, lying, and other behaviours that are harmful, manipulative, or exploitative towards others.

Antisocial behaviour is typically associated with youth. This type of behaviour starts between the ages of 8 and 14, peaks between 15 and 19, and usually becomes less frequent between the ages of 20 and 29. Although it becomes less common with age, it seems to have a lasting negative impact on health. Studies have shown that individuals who exhibit antisocial behaviours in their youth tend to have worse health outcomes as adults compared to their peers.

Another study found that individuals who had conduct problems in their youth use a higher level of healthcare services as adults. Additionally, individuals with a history of criminal convictions are more likely to die prematurely compared to those without such a history,

The researchers of this study, led by Stephanie Langevin, wanted to understand the potential reasons behind these health issues commonly found in people with a history of antisocial behaviour. They hypothesised that individuals who displayed antisocial behaviour in their youth might also show signs of accelerated ageing by midlife. In other words, they might be ageing faster than their peers. With this in mind, the researchers decided to investigate the biological age of individuals with a history of antisocial behaviour.

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