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Indian Man Breaks 273 Walnuts With His Head in a Minute, Reclaims World Record Title

Naveen Kumar, from the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, has set the Guinness World Record for the ‘most walnuts cracked with the head in one minute’.

Kumar smashed a total of 273 walnuts in record time, beating Pakistan’s Muhammad Rashid, who held the title since 2018 for cracking 254 walnuts, according to Guinness World Records (GWR).

In the video shared by GWR, Kumar started off with a good pace and maintained it for the whole minute. Kumar, 27, took training from martial arts instructor Prabhakar Reddy, 41, for the record-breaking attempt. Reddy too holds several martial arts records and inspired Kumar to achieve the feat.

It was Rashid who first set the record for breaking the most walnuts with the head in 2014. He smashed 150 walnuts that year and bettered his own record by cracking 181 walnuts in 2016, the record keeper added.

In 2017, Kumar broke Rashid’s record cracking 217 walnuts and claimed the title. This set off a race between the two to outperform each other.

A year later, Kumar and Rashid faced each other on the set of La Notte dei Record, a talent TV show, in Italy, for a “head-to-head nut-cracking contest”. Both managed to break the standing record but Rashid emerged victorious by cracking 254 walnuts against Kumar’s 239, the record keeper said.

Determined to reclaim the title, Kumar underwent intense training and broke the record smashing 273 walnuts in a minute in April this year. “In order to prove my talent, I broke the record again,” he was quoted as saying.


Khaleej Times
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