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Indian airline worker’s furious mid-air row as she tells passenger to ‘shut up’

An Indian airline worker had a furious mid-air row with a passenger and shouted ‘shut up, I am not your servant’ after he made her colleagues cry with his demands.

A female crew member for IndiGo, said to be working on a flight from Istanbul to Delhi, told the passenger to stop ‘pointing your finger at me and yelling at me, my crew is crying because of you’ in a video shared online.

It came about over a dispute over the airline’s meal options for the passenger

The airline worker said: ‘Please try to understand, there is a cart and counted meals are uplifted [on the plane]. We can only serve what your boarding…’

The man cut her off, saying: ‘Why are you yelling?’ and the crew member shouted back: ‘Because you are yelling at us.’

She added: ‘I am so sorry sir but you do not talk to the crew like that. I am peacefully listening to you with all due respect, but you have to respect the crew as well.’

The man asks how he disrespected the crew, and is told off for pointing his fingers.

As the argument escalates, the passenger shouts ‘shut up’ at the woman, where she retorts: ‘You shut up, I’m sorry you cannot talk to me like that… I’m an employee, I’m not your servant.’

As the argument concluded, the woman could be seen pulling a face mask over her nose and mouth, and turning around.

A spokesperson for IndiGo said, ‘We are aware of the incident that took place on flight 6E 12 from Istanbul to Delhi on December 16, 2022.’ The issue was related to meals chosen by certain passengers travelling via a codeshare connection.

IndiGo is cognizant of the needs of its customers and it is our constant endeavour to provide a courteous and hassle-free experience to our customers.

‘We are looking into the incident and would like to assure that customers’ comfort has always been our top priority. We are committed to providing the best experience at all times.’

The airline added that the man had asked for a sandwich and the crew told him that they would check if it was available, before he began shouting and a member of staff began to cry, NTDV reported.

The clip was met with a mixed response on Twitter.


The Mail
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