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India tops four million virus cases as pandemic rages

India has become the third country to pass four million coronavirus infections, setting a new record daily surge in cases on Saturday as the pandemic showed no sign of peaking.

The new cases took India to 4,023,179 infections, third behind the United States which has more than 6.3 million and just trailing Brazil on 4.1m.

India has eased restrictions in a bid to revive the economy but faces the world’s fastest growing number of cases at more than 80,000 a day and the highest daily death toll at more than 1,000. The death toll now stands at 69,561.

The growing caseload comes after the World Health Organisation (WHO) said it did not expect widespread immunisation against Covid-19 until mid-2021.

The WHO also ruled out endorsing a vaccine that has not been proven safe and effective, over concerns around the rush to develop a jab for the virus.


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