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India to Dubai: COVID-19 test reports from some labs invalid

A week after it resumed its Dubai operations, following a brief period of suspension over COVID-19 rule violation, Air India Express (AIE) has announced that test reports from some labs in India will be rejected for travel to Dubai.

The budget airline on Sunday advised passengers travelling to Dubai to obtain pre-departure reverse transcript-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) COVID-19 negative test reports from Pure Health-approved laboratories in India as per the recommendation from Dubai authorities.

In an “important update for passengers to Dubai” posted on Twitter on Sunday evening, AIE named the labs reports from which will be rejected, based on recommendation from Dubai authorities. “Regulatory authorities in Dubai have recommended Air India Express to reject the RT-PCR test reports from the following laboratories for passengers travelling to Dubai,” the airline stated.

It listed the names of the labs as: Suryam Lab in Jaipur, Microhealth Lab in the cities of Kerala, Dr. P. Bhasin Pathlabs (P) LTD in Delhi and Noble Diagnostic Centre in Delhi.


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