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India – The Wildcard in the BRICS Alliance

Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, 'n Guns blog

There is far more to the current multi-modal geopolitical war than just what’s happening in Ukraine. This conflict has led to a myriad of downstream effects and moves which are just as important as what the encirclement of Bakhmut means. For years the wildcard in the BRICS Alliance has been India. India’s rivalry with China as well as its complicated relationships with both Russia and the West have always served as wedge issues to drive the alliance apart.

Winning the geopolitical war must take precedence over everything else, even if there is no real ‘country’ left after the war is over. Because this is the way most of the BRICS nations and their growing list of sympathizers also view the situation. Russia has made this very clear. Vladimir Putin, his Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, and former Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev have all expressed this.

The longer this conflict goes on the more adamant about these points they become. The same can be said for China and its leadership. China says less than the Russians do but does more with who they choose to talk to and when. Foreign Minister Wang Xi’s recent visits to Moscow and Tehran further cemented a triangular foundation of support. These visits were contemporaneous with the convocation of warmongers in Munich two weeks ago. That was not an accident.

India is now the last major power in the region left to stymie Asian integration. Reports circulated the same weekend as the Munich Security Conference that none other than George Soros was behind the attacks on PM Modi through a report from Hindenberg Research. They targeted one of Modi’s big financial supporters Gautam Adani, William Engdahl covered this in detail.

In light of that it should be noted just how ineffectual Davos’ moves against Modi and India have been. The recent regional elections in three important Indian provinces left the clear impression that Modi’s influence over electoral politics is still very much intact. Modi has made it a point to engage the northeastern provinces, normally ignored by Indian politics, to entrench his hold on power in India. This is clearly his counter-move to anything the West would attempt to throw at him. This thus opens up the possibility of Modi gaining a super-majority in next year’s elections.

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