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India sets another global record in daily new virus cases

India set another global record in new coronavirus cases on Thursday, with an additional 379,257 people infected as the country’s medical system struggles to cope with the massive surge in infections.

The new cases bring the total number of COVID-18 infections in the country to more than 18.3 million, according to the figures provided by the Indian health ministry.

The health ministry also reported 3,645 deaths in the last 24-hour period, bringing the total number of virus-related fatalities in India to 204,832.

As new cases surge, the active cases have increased to over 3.08 million comprising 16.79 percent of the total infections, while the national COVID-19 recovery rate has further dropped to 82.10 percent.

The number of people who have recuperated from the disease has risen to more than 15 million.

The case fatality rate has further dropped to 1.11 percent, the data stated.

The recent surge has been partly fed by new variants of the coronavirus, mass public gatherings such as political rallies and religious events that were allowed to continue, and relaxed attitudes on the risks fed by leaders touting victory over the virus.

With the country’s healthcare system collapsing under the record surge, help has also come from overseas.  



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