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India reports six-month high of COVID-19 daily infections

India reported 81,466 new COVID-19 infections on Friday, the highest daily number in six months, as several states were hit by a second wave of the coronavirus, said Reuters. 

Health ministry data showed the total number of cases surged to 12.3 million, making India the third-most hit country from the virus after the United States and Brazil. The number of those dead rose by 469 to 163,396.

Vaccination drives have been intensified amid the recent surge of cases, and many states are considering imposing fresh curbs on movement of people. 

Maharashtra, the western state that has been worst-hit from COVID-19 so far, reported as many as 43,183 new cases on Friday – its highest since the pandemic spread to India in March 2020.

India imposed one of the world’s harshest lockdowns to control the coronavirus early last year, but it was eased to salvage the economy, and cases gradually fell later in the year.



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