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India May Scrap the US F-35 and Build Own Fifth-generation Fighter for $1.832BN

Authored by Maksim Panasovskyi

India has completed the design of its own fifth-generation fighter jet. This information hints that the country may refuse to buy American F-35 Lightning II aircraft. The development is to be approved by the Security Committee with Prime Minister Narendra Modi as head of the agency. The next generation aircraft design has been sent to the Committee for review.

If approved, the first prototype of the fifth-generation fighter would be available in four years, with serial production expected to start not earlier than six years thereafter. The cost of the program is estimated at $1.832 billion.

The Indian plane will be several tens of times cheaper than the first fifth-generation fighter. For example, the US spent over $66 billion to build the F-22 Raptor and $74 billion including the cost of serial production. Development of the F-35 Lightning II cost $55 billion.


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