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India: Mandatory 14-Day Institutional Quarantine for Returning Citizens

All stranded Indian citizens returning home have to undergo a mandatory 14-day institutional quarantine upon arrival in India, at their own cost, said the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs on Tuesday.

All travellers will also have to give a written undertaking that they are travelling at their own risk, according to a standard operating procedure (SOP) for movement of Indian nationals stranded outside the country released by the ministry on May 5.

Travellers would also have to provide a written undertaking that they would undergo a mandatory 14-day quarantine upon arrival in India, according to the SOP.

The ministry mandates there will be mandatory quarantine for all Indian nationals being evacuated from abroad. Thermal screening will be done at the airports. All passengers shall be asked to download the Arogya Setu app on their mobile devices. Those found to be symptomatic during screening will be taken to a medical facility as per health protocol.

The remaining passengers will be taken to suitable institutional quarantine facilities, to be arranged by respective state/UT governments. These facilities may be as far as possible, in the district headquarters, of the district to which the arriving passenger belongs.


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