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India: Highest daily number of new Covid-19 cases in 2 months

India is seeing another surge in the Covid-19 pandemic driven largely by fresh cases in the southern state of Kerala, Health Ministry data released Saturday showed.

On Saturday, India reported 46,759 new cases of Covid-19, the highest for a 24-hour period in about two months, said dpa international.

Kerala reported about 70 per cent of the fresh cases. Loosening of restrictions on gatherings and travel during the annual festival of Onam is suspected of leading to the latest spike in numbers.

Saturday is the third consecutive day that India has reported more than 45,000 infections in a single day since July 7.

India is currently second only to the United States in terms of its coronavirus caseload, with over 32.6 million cases. Over 437,370 people have died.



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