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India accuses China of violating pacts, militarising border

India’s defence minister accused China on Tuesday of violating past border agreements and expanding its troop deployments along a disputed mountainous frontier in the Ladakh region where the two countries have been locked in a military standoff for months.

Rajnath Singh told Parliament that India has informed China through diplomatic channels that its “attempts to unilaterally alter the status quo were in violation of the bilateral agreements.” He also said India has made counter-deployments along the rugged frontier and its troops have foiled “transgression attempts by China.”

India and China have been embroiled in a tense border standoff in Ladakh, where in June they had their deadliest clash in decades. The Asian giants have accused each other of sending soldiers into rival territory and firing warning shots for the first time in 45 years, threatening a full-scale military conflict.


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