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Inaugural draw of rebranded Emirates Loto postponed

The inaugural draw of the rebranded Emirates Loto (now called Mahzooz) is not taking place on Saturday (November 21) but has been reset for another week on November 28.

EWINGS, the managing operator of Mahzooz, sent an email to its customers hours before the digital draw was supposed to take place on Saturday.

The email read: “Sadly, due to circumstances outside our control, we have had no option but to postpone the inaugural Mahzooz weekly draw to Saturday, 28 November.”

EWINGS added: “Rest assured each and every one of your entries will be automatically entered into the draw of 28 November 2020.”

Emirates Loto held its inaugural draw on April 18. Then operation was suspended July 18, just hours before its live evening draw. It discontinued operations for four months citing systems upgrade as the reason before making an announcement on November 15 that it will resume operations.

Emirates Loto has been facing issues for the last few months as a number of people who had bought the lottery earlier has been complaining about not getting ‘refund’after it suspended the operation a few months ago.


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