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Improvement Of US-Russia Relations ‘Impossible’ Under Biden, Ambassador Says

Russian ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov has issued a dire assessment of the current state of US-Russia relations.

He said that no one should expect relations with Washington to improve at all under President Joe Biden, and at one point even called the prospect “impossible”.

“Improvement of Russian-US relations seems to be impossible in the near future. What the current administration is focused on is how to stay in the Oval Office of the White House,” he said in the interview. This strongly suggests Moscow is hoping for a new US administration after November.

“They will not review their Russian policy, because it will make it look like this policy had failed,” Antonov added. His words come at a moment American public opinion is increasingly swaying against Biden’s push to sink tens of billions of dollars more in defense aid into Ukraine, which has been a noticeable shift since at least early last year.

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