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ICA permit not required for UAE residents landing in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi International Airport has informed airlines that UAE residents stranded abroad are not required to get mandatory ICA travel permit if they land in Abu Dhabi. The revised travel rules come into effect from August 11.

“UAE residents with valid visas arriving at the Abu Dhabi International Airport are now not required to get travel permit from the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA), says a notification sent to airlines on Monday.”

According to Gulf News, an official announcement regarding the travel permit is expected to be released soon.

The ICA approval was mandatory for UAE residents who are stranded abroad due the COVID-19 precautionary measures. Now, they do not require permission if they arrive at Abu Dhabi Airport.

All other travel requirements including the PCR test for COVID-19 is mandatory for all passengers arriving in Abu Dhabi or any other airport in the UAE.


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