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Huge fire at Kuwait’s tire site visible from space

The Kuwait Municipality visited Al Sulabiya tire site after an estimated one million tires were burned in a huge fire blaze set off last Thursday.

An estimated one million tires were said to have been burned, as the fire blazed through 25,000 of the site’s million square meters, according to KUNA.

The aim of the visit was to reevaluate the current situation of the tire site, otherwise known as the tire graveyard. In addition, questions arose during the visit as to why there has been no development on the front to construct three factories that would recycle tires, as well as reduce the number of tires in the site.

Al Sulabiya tire site is one of the largest tire graveyards in the world and is clearly visible on satellite images.

The main threat of having such a large tire site is the possibility of hazardous fires breaking out.

The most notorious tire fire happened back in 2012, which led to over five million tires being burned. The incident was considered an ‘environmental catastrophe’ as the smoke of the fires were visible from space.


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