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Saudi Arabia

Houthi attack causes fire in Saudi Aramco plant

A fire broke out at an Aramco distribution center in Jeddah after it was targeted by a Houthi attack.

The small fire, which was brought under control, after one of the tanks at the distribution station was hit – no casualties were reported.

The attack in Jeddah comes hours after a barrage of missile and drone attacks on various targets in the Kingdom on Saturday and Sunday that were all thwarted.

A water desalination plant in Al-Shaqeeq, a facility run by oil company Aramco in Jazan, a power station in Dhahran Al-Janub, a gas station in the city of Khamis Mushayt, and a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) facility at an Aramco station in Yanbu were all targeted by the Houthi militia.


Arab News

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