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Hope As Scabies Drug Eliminates Coronavirus in 2 Days

A drug prescribed for scabies has been shown to stop the coronavirus in its tracks and may help fight the infection, according to a study.

Ivermectin is used for parasitic infections – but researchers in Australia believe it could be useful against COVID-19.

Tests showed the drug reduced levels of the virus by 99.8 per cent within 48 hours. It had been completely eliminated after three days.

It’s believed the drug works by paralysing the SARS-CoV-2 virus and ‘overwhelming its nervous system’, preventing it from replicating. Scientists at the Royal Melbourne Hospital believe ivermectin may, in turn, reduce the severity of the life-threatening disease.

They are now urging for ivermectin to be trialled on coronavirus patients, as experts continue the race against time to find a cure.


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