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GCC CountriesBahrain

Hike in Prices of Fruits and Vegetables in Bahrain

A drastic increase in prices for certain fruits and vegetables was reported yesterday in local markets in Bahrain.

Traders attributed the rise to two main factors: the first being the steady increase in people’s demand for such products, which resulted in a lack of supply; and the delay in the arrival of some shipments, such as those coming from Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

The delays were due to the precautionary measures at the border in combatting the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Merchants at Jidhafs Central Market said that, over the past four days, there has been heavy demand from people buying large quantities of fruits and vegetables, which has caused their stocks to run out before any new quantities arrived. These new shipments are expected to reach the markets today or tomorrow.

Elsewhere, the price of tomatoes went from BD 5 to BD 6, while the price of lemon cartons increased from BD12.5 to BD15.5. The price of onions increased by 120% to more than BD7 in the market, while the price of potatoes increased by 100% to BD3.5. Also, there were price increases for bananas and oranges.

The merchants called on the concerned authorities to allow for the speedy movement of goods so that prices would return to normal as soon as possible.


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