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‘Harry and Meghan are no stars’, experts say after they left Jubilee

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle left the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee early because the Royal Family has ‘moved on’ without them and the couple are not the stars that they think they are, say experts.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will have been ‘really fed up’ at being sidelined by the palace’s ‘men in suits’ they have been so scathing about since quitting in 2020, it has been claimed.

On Thursday they were relegated to the Major General’s Office with minor royals for the Trooping the Colour. And as they were met with some booing at their only public appearance at St Paul’s on Friday, the couple will have learned that the British public believes being a royal is ‘about service, not about self’, one critic said.

Harry, Meghan and their children reportedly flew out of Farnborough Airport, west of London, an hour before the Jubilee Pageant started in central London. It marked the end of their Jubilee, where they were left without any official role having quit as frontline royals in 2020.

Royal author Phil Dampier said: ‘Their attitude seems to be if we’re not centre stage we don’t really want to be here.’

The Sussexes arrived back in California on Sunday.


Daily Mail
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