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Global COVID-19 caseload exceeds 129.2 million

More than 129.26 million people have been reported to be infected by the novel coronavirus globally and 2,947,458 have died, according to a Reuters tally.

Infections have been reported in more than 210 countries and territories since the first cases were identified in China in December 2019.

India reported 81,466 new COVID-19 infections on Friday, the highest daily number in six months, as several states were hit by a second wave of the coronavirus.

In the US, at least 955 new coronavirus deaths and 77,718 new cases were reported on April 1.

Over the past week, there has been an average of 65,574 cases per day, an increase of 20 percent from the average two weeks earlier.

As of Friday morning, more than 30,562,800 people in the United States have been infected with the coronavirus according to a New York Times database.

Brazil recorded 91,097 additional confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus in the past 24 hours, along with 3,769 deaths from COVID-19, the Health Ministry said.

Brazil has registered nearly 13 million cases since the pandemic began, while the official death toll has risen to 325,284, according to ministry data.



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