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Money & Business

Giving back during the digital era

What is an unexpected benefit or learning you’ve had in this period?

This period was definitely a turning point for everyone.Despite the hardships, virtual learning opened doors for many opportunities and collaborations. INJAZ Bahrain has reached more than 5,000 students to this day during this period alone.

In your opinion, will digital transformation change the scope of volunteering?

Our volunteers proved that kindness and the act of giving is not limited to the physical world; we have managed to continue the cycle of teaching and learning with the adaptation of Zoom and Microsoft TEAMS.

Do you think social entrepreneurship will get more of a spotlight in the post-pandemic world?

At INJAZ Bahrain, as part of our Company Program, students are required to link their business ideas and concepts to the Global SDGs. They offer solutions to societal issue through social entrepreneurship. We definitely anticipate more focus towards fillings such gaps in the community.

What initiatives and activities has INJAZ Bahrain spearheaded during this period?

INJAZ Bahrain programs aim to instill and educate students on Work Readiness, Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy while at home. INJAZ Bahrain successfully held this year’s Annual Young Entrepreneurs Competition online last month.

What is your message for the future leaders of the world?

My piece of advice would be taking the initiative to explore and take advantage of the opportunities that institutions or organizations provide to the youth. The current crisis is a great opportunity for our youth to explore and utilize the programs available online to keep learning, develop and enhance their skills.

What are you working on, at the moment?

We successfully concluded our virtual 15th Anniversary Annual Appreciation ceremony on social media last week where we recognize the efforts of all our partners and volunteers who were actively engaged with INJAZ Bahrain throughout the academic year 2019-2020.

We are excited to introduce many new programs in the coming weeks such as the coding for primary and intermediate students in collaboration with SAP. We have recently launched new STEM programs for primary students in collaboration with BOEING.


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