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Germany and Egypt Grants 5-Year Visas to Kuwaitis

Kuwait benefits from more Schengen visas in Germany and Italy, plus new five-year Egypt visa.

Kuwaiti citizens have been given a travel boost, with new visa offerings from Egypt and Germany, as well as a Schengen lift from Italy.

The German Ambassador to Kuwait, Hans-Christian Freiherr von Reibnitz, has revealed the European country is now issuing five-year Schengen visas to Kuwaiti citizens.

The announcement was made on the occasion of German Unity Day in the presence of Deputy Foreign Minister Sheikh Jarrah Al Jaber.

New Schengen and Egypt visas for Kuwait citizens

The Schengen visas will allow Kuwaiti citizens to visit Germany multiple times over a period of five years and are expected to boost tourism and investment between the two countries.

The German ambassador confirmed the decision to approve visas was made at the end of September and German officials are in the process of implementing new visa rules.

He added that he expects travel from citizens to Germany to soon surpass pre-Covid levels.

Highlighting the popularity of Germany with Kuwaiti citizens, the ambassador told press: “Germany has become the second favourite home for many Kuwaitis, at least during the summer, and they are not viewed as tourists, but as important members of the existing communities.”

The Schengen Visa approval will limit pressures on tourists and allow for more certain planning.

The announcement follows changes to visa rules for Kuwaiti citizens announced by the European Commission on September 8.

A new visa “cascade” regime for Kuwaiti nationals applying for Schengen visas now sees all eligible applicants, including first-time travellers, being issued with visas valid for five years, if the passport validity allows.

According to the newly adopted visa “cascade” regime for citizens can now be issued with long-term, multi-entry Schengen visas valid for five years.

Where the validity of the visa would exceed that of the passport, a multiple-entry visa shall be issued with a period of validity ending three months before the expiry date of the passport.

During the validity period of these visas, holders enjoy travel rights equivalent to visa-free nationals.

A statement by the European Commission at the time said: “This decision is testament to the EU’s strong belief that Kuwait is an important partner for the EU. It also comes in the context of the EU’s Joint Communication on a “Strategic Partnership with the Gulf”, which also covers EU relations with the country.

“One of the pillars of this EU Strategy is facilitating people-to-people contacts, and this new visa ‘cascade’ adaptation for Kuwait contributes to enhancing relations between Kuwaitis and Europeans”.

Schengen area consists of 27 European countries (of which 23 are EU states):

  • Belgium
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Germany
  • Estonia
  • Greece
  • Spain
  • France
  • Italy
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Hungary
  • Malta
  • Netherlands
  • Austria
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Slovenia
  • Slovakia
  • Finland
  • Sweden
  • Iceland
  • Liechtenstein
  • Norway
  • Switzerland

Since the September 8 ruling, Italy has already approved more than 1,000 multiple entry visas for citizens, according to a report by SchengenVisaInfo.com.

It said the Italian Ambassador to the Gulf country, Carlo Balducci, was expecting a significant uplift in the number of visas issued compared to 2022 and that the embassy is being forced to expand its premises to cope with demand.

Meanwhile, Egypt has also announced a new five-year visa for citizens travelling to the North African country.

Daily newspaper the Arab Times reported that the Consul General of Egypt in Kuwait, Ambassador Heba Zaki, announced the new visa.

The paperwork will cost KD250 ($808) and the visa will be valid five years, with multiple entries permitted, so long as visits last no longer than 90 days.

It will streamline travel for citizens visiting Egypt, as it looks to attract investors and tourists from across the Arab world and the GCC in particular.


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