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Saudi ArabiaTravel

Four Saudi cities among 100 most popular destinations in the world

Four Saudi cities were among the 100 most popular destinations in the world, according to Visual Capitalist.

Mecca was ranked first in Saudi Arabia as the 20th most popular city in the world. Madinah ranked 23rd, the capital Riyadh 49th, and Dammam 64th.

Four other Arab cities are on the list of top destinations: Dubai ranked 7th, Cairo 42nd, Hurghada 82nd, and Abu Dhabi 94th.

The survey used data from Euromonitor International’s 2019 travel report. Pulling data from 400 cities, collected in mid-2019, the report encompasses millions of travellers who stayed at their destination longer than 24 hours.

Hong Kong, Bangkok, London, Macau and Singapore topped the list.


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