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Four Bahrainis jailed for mugging petrol station worker

The Fourth High Criminal Court punished four Bahraini men with imprisonment after finding them guilty of mugging a petrol station worker, local media reported

The four defendants, aged between 20 and 21, are said to have stolen around BD3,000 from the victim in the Salmabad area on June 4 this year. The court sentenced the first, second and third defendants to seven years behind bars, while the fourth defendant got five years in jail.

According to the victim’s statements, the attack occurred late at night, when the defendants stormed into the office at the petrol station and threatened him using a knife. The defendants reportedly stabbed the worker in the leg, snatched his handbag, and fled the scene with the money.

The men were arrested by the Northern Governorate Police Directorate within four hours after the incident took place, and they were referred to the Public Prosecution for interrogation. There, they all confessed to their crime and informed interrogators that they planned the attack. One of the them was a former employee at the same station and knew where the money was kept.


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