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Car ReviewsBahrainMotors

Ferrari 812 GTS — a mighty work of art powered by a herd of horses

Charlie Cooksey drives the world’s most powerful convertible… in Bahrain.

The Ferrari 812 GTS is the most powerful production spider there is, and I had the chance to drive this mighty car last month on a special Ferrari “Lifestyle Drive”.

Its amazing 6,496cc V12 engine, capable of a top speed of 340 kph, can accelerate the car from zero to 100 kph in a blistering 3 seconds – and to 200 kph in just 8.3 seconds!

I first enjoyed a pre-drive coffee and chat with Ferrari Bahrain’s General Manager, Matthew Morgan. He’s passionate about the brand and we spent an hour discussing Ferrari in general, and the 812 GTS in particular. Then it came to the drive…

The car was waiting for me outside the showroom and was gleaming in classic Ferrari red. It looked beautiful – like a work of art, which I guess it is.

It was a perfect late October day with temperatures in the mid-late 20s, so I decided to drive in convertible mode. The retractable hard top artfully opens in just 14 seconds at speeds of up to 45 kph. I appreciated the meticulous work that went into ensuring driver and passenger comfort with the top down – turbulence inside the cabin and external road noise is minimised, allowing me to comfortably talk with my co-pilot at all times, even at high speeds.

This car lets the driver think he’s a far better driver than he actually is by enabling anyone to easily and confidently utilize the massive torque available with the accelerator pedal. Thanks to smooth, progressive power delivery at all engine speeds, it delivers impressive handling.

I drove to Café Lilou in Seef’s Al A’aali Mall for lunch. What would normally be a mundane journey took on a whole new meaning when in a Ferrari, and not just driving but even parking. When I arrived outside the restaurant I became the centre of attention to those sitting at pavement tables.

Obviously, I wasn’t able to truly test this car’s abilities (or to be honest, mine) as I was driving on the public roads. I would love to drive this car on a race circuit.

A final note for anyone thinking of owning a Ferrari but worried about its upkeep: There’s a seven-year maintenance programme offered with the 812 GTS and other Ferraris that covers regular maintenance for the first seven years of the car’s life. This assures the car is kept at peak performance and safety over the years.

Want to find out more? Call 17 734734, visit the Ferrari website or check out their socials at @ferraribahrain.


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