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Father of five-year-old in Australia reported to police after he raises concerns about day care centre teaching kids transgenderism and sexual identity

The parent, whose child attends the Roseville Kids Kare, which provides daycare and babysitting for his child, took issue with how the centre exposed children as young as five to material that included radical gender theory concepts like “non-binary” and “pansexual.” The operation also gave children Pride flags to color in, the parent said.

“I visited it and was shocked that there was a giant out-size ‘pride’ flag, it was the biggest flag in the room, far bigger than the Australian flag,” said the father to the publication, which did not publish his name to protect his child’s privacy.

“When I went in there was an entire wall describing different sexualities giving definitions of things like ‘pansexual’ and ‘lesbian.’”

The father supplied photographs of the interior of Roseville Kids Kare, which hoisted a massive “progressive Pride flag” featuring the transgender and Black Lives Matter colored stripes, and a wall featuring more versions of the same flag.

The wall also contained definitions of neo-sexual orientations like “gender-fluid,” “asexual,” and “non-binary.”

“My child is five, I don’t understand what possible justification there is for exposing them to sexual identities like this,” said the parent.

parent says that the operation lodged a complaint with the local constabulary after he raised concerns with staff members about the materials he saw.

He claims that a police officer informed him that he had no case to answer, and that it did not record any offence despite the complaint sent to police.

The parent has received support from both the Daily Telegraph and child psychologists who agreed with his assessment that the concepts being taught to children at the Roseville Kids Kare centre are too adult for them to process.

“There is this thing where we think we are raising these socially conscious global citizens by exposing children to these adult topics but they simply do not have the mental faculties to process layered, complex information,” said child psychologist Clare Rowe in a statement to the publication.

“It’s also a parent’s right and responsibility to answer questions and educate their children about these things,” added the psychologist.  


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