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Facebook users to be able to have up to five profiles

Meta Platforms will start letting more users create multiple profiles with their Facebook accounts, the company’s latest attempt to encourage posting and sharing on its social network.

As part of a test, certain Facebook members will be able to create as many as four additional profiles, and each one won’t need to include a person’s real name or identity. Users could have one for friends and another for co-workers, for example, each with its own feed. But they will only be able to comment or like another post with one profile.

Additional profiles are still required to adhere to Facebook’s content policies and will tie back to a user’s core account, meaning rule violations on one profile will affect the others, the company said.

When launching student profiles, Meta executives said that users were looking to interact around interests that were more specific than the things they might find with their main social experience. With multiple profiles, Facebook hopes users will create separate identities for their different interests, like gaming, travel or food, according to the spokesperson.


Gulf Business

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