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Expo 2020: Bahrain pavillion offers unique experience

The National Pavilion of Bahrain, at Expo 2020 Dubai, is a remarkable example showcasing the symbiotic relationship between physical space and innovation.

Designed by Swiss architect Christian Kerez, Bahrain’s National Pavilion is an architectural masterpiece exploring the country’s ethnographic and cultural density as an enabler of promising opportunity. Exhibitions, art installations, performances, a shop and a restaurant are interwoven in a single open-space plan, mimicking the interconnectivity of various subgroups that simultaneously cohabit the Kingdom.

As sustainability is the main challenge for every temporary exhibition today, the Pavilion of the Kingdom of Bahrain the prefabricated panels of the walls and the ceiling, the load-bearing structure, whole technical equipment including lighting, air conditioning and the interior design will be dismantled after the Expo and reassembled in Manama, offering a new public space in the business centre of Bahrain.


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