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Expert Opinion: No Return to Normal Life Until End of 2021

There will be no return to normal life, such as eating out at restaurants, attending a concert or watching a live sporting event, until at least the end of next year because there will be no coronavirus vaccine available until then, according to a top US medical expert.

There has been a healthy debate in the US about when life might return to normal as patience wears thin with severe restrictions on movement and economic activity collapses, with millions of people out of work.

Dr. Ezekiel J. Emanuel, an oncologist at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School said “You are not going to be opening up the economy by the end of April. We have to prepare the country… This is an 18-month process.”

“I don’t think we’re going to get a vaccine before next year and I would say out to the public or general immunity not until July, August, September timeframe in 2021. That’s kind of optimistic reading. So 15 months, 18 months from now,” he added.


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