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People & Culture

Expats: Why it’s great to be in Bahrain amid the COVID-19 pandemic

After months of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, residents and citizens in Bahrain have become accustomed to the “new normal”. Masks have long been a part of one’s outfit of the day; while hand sanitizers a mainstay in one’s pouch.

Meanwhile, those who are tired of dining at home are rejoicing over the resumption of indoor dining in the Kingdom. Schools, along with other establishments, have also reopened in light of the decrease of coronavirus cases in the Kingdom.

These glimpses of the “old life” we once had, are also considered as signs of safety according to the expats we recently spoke with.

“I am surprised at how the government swiftly responded to the virus starting the announcement of first case of COVID-19”, said James from the US. “However, I am more amazed at how the citizens and residents have full trust that the authorities’ move is for the good of the people”.

The proactive measures taken early on by the concerned authorities are just one of the many reasons expats in Bahrain can rejoice and feel safe.

“I feel secure. I am happy for my family here in Bahrain but I am worried for my fellow Filipinos who are in our home country right now”, said John. “We would like to plan a trip back to the Philippines but not until the virus is under control there”, he added.

Meanwhile, Muhamed, a Pakistani national said that it would be “appreciated if Bahrain communicated more about the support they can provide for expats who have been displaced or those who work low-paying jobs”.

A number of expats like Muhamed, raised their exasperation online regarding the hardships of being laid off work during the pandemic. “Our monthly bills don’t stop despite us not having work. Sometimes we consider going back to our country but we feel like the safety conditions aren’t as good there”, a dilemma Ana posted on social media.

Grace, an expat from India felt that the restrictions imposed in Bahrain were appropriate and proportional to the threat brought by the coronavirus. She said she’s “happy to be living here when the pandemic took place”. She also added that the healthcare system here is a “precious asset” as it is easily accessible and available to anyone.

Bahrain has announced early March that COVID-19 treatment is free for both residents and citizens. The Health Ministry also conducts daily coronavirus testing for free at several health centers, sports clubs and local markets.

Overall, these expats relate to one another with their hopes of Bahrain being a COVID-free country sooner than later.


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