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Money & BusinessGCC CountriesBahrain

EPay 2022 GCC Summit – Shaping the future of the payment industry

EPay GCC will return for it’s 4th edition on the 9th and 10th of February in Bahrain.

Once again, delivering two days of unparalleled discussions led by the most senior leaders in the industry today that will once more help shape the future of the regions payment and banking services.  

With over 400+ attendees representing payments providers, banking, retail and telecommunications leaders, this year’s speaker faculty will navigate through new payment methods, ways of providing financial inclusion in the region, and how to protect your customers and business from the increasing rise of financial crime. 

Over the last 24months, digital payment transactions have more than doubled which is a strong indication that digitisation in banking and in particular payments is well and truly in the region. 

Furthermore, tourism and businesses working internally in the region is rapidly increasing which means that innovations in payment methods is critical if the industry is to keep up with their new customers. This rise does however increase the chance of security breaches, a theme that will be discussed at length. Although we are seeing this huge rise in digital payments, cash is still the main method of payment so not to be left off the agenda just yet!  Key themes you can expect to be covered at this world leading fintech event are:

  • The rise of merchant services 
  • The next gen digital wallet 
  • Payments as a Service (PaaS) 
  • Real-time payments 
  • Fraud prevention 
  • Digital ID 
  • Evolving ecommerce 

To be part of the global conversation, help shape digital payments and be part of shaping the way money will ‘move and be managed’ in the future, register here.


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