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Emirates suspends flights from 8 destinations

Dubai’s Emirates airline has announced the suspension of passenger services from eight destinations until further notice, starting from December 28, 2021.

A statement issued on the carrier’s website said that restrictions have been placed on entry and transit through Dubai from eight destinations in Africa, as well as on flights from Conakry to Dakar.

– Luanda (Republic of Angola)

– Conakry (Republic of Guinea)

– Nairobi (Republic of Kenya)

– Dar es Salaam (United Republic of Tanzania)

– Entebbe (Republic of Uganda)

– Accra (Republic of Ghana)

– Abidjan (Republic of Cote d’Ivoire)

– Addis Ababa (Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia)

Customers originating from Conakry to Dakar will also not be accepted for travel.

Outbound passenger operations from Dubai to these destinations remain unaffected, the statement added.

The suspension of flights follows a recent decision by UAE authorities to suspend entry of travellers from four countries, while tightening Covid-19 rules for two others.


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