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Emirates plane lands safely after exploding tire damages exterior

An Emirates flight from Dubai to Australia landed safely after a tire burst in midair, damaging the exterior of the aircraft on Friday.

One of the 22 tires on the Airbus A380 ruptured during the cruise portion of its flight (when the plane levels off after ascending), damaging its aerodynamic fairing, an outer panel of the aircraft.

All passengers on the flight EK430 from Dubai to Brisbane disembarked safely, and there was no damage to the fuselage, frame, or structure of the aircraft.

The damaged paneling has been completely replaced and checked by engineers, Airbus, and relevant authorities, the airline added.

Local news outlet 7News Brisbane reported that the plane was seen with a hole in its side after landing.

Emirates said that passengers arrived on schedule, and that “the safety of our passengers and crew has always been our top priority.”

According to the FlightRadar24 tracking website, flight EK430 touched down in the Australian city at 10:44 p.m., less than half an hour after its scheduled arrival time of 10.20 p.m.



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