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Emirates: No announcement on massive job cuts

Emirates Airline on Sunday said the company has not made any announcement to reduce a large number of its workforce.

The comment was in response to a Bloomberg report that said the Emirates Group is considering plans to cut about 30,000 jobs as the operator of the world’s largest long-haul carrier seeks to reduce costs after the coronavirus pandemic grounded air travel

An Emirates spokesperson said no such decision has been taken.

“No announcement has been made regarding mass redundancies at the airline. Any such decision will be communicated in an appropriate fashion,” said Emirates spokesperson

Responding to a query from Gulf News, the spokesperson said in an emailed statement: “Like any responsible business would do, our executive team has directed all departments to conduct a thorough review of costs and resourcing against business projections, even as we prepare for gradual service resumption.”

“As our Chairman has said, conserving cash, safeguarding our business, and preserving as much of as our skilled workforce as possible, remain our top priorities through this period,” added the Emirates spokesperson.


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